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Contractilidad: Capacidad de ciertos órganos o estructuras para contraerse y dilatarse.

Contractility: The ability or property of a substance, especially of muscle, of shortening, or becoming reduced in size, or developing increased tension.


Elasticidad: Propiedad de un cuerpo sólido para recuperar su forma cuando cesa la fuerza que la altera.

Elasticity: the ability of tissue to regain its original shape and size after being stretched, squeezed, or otherwise deformed. Muscle tissue is generally regarded as elastic because it is able to change size and shape and return to its original condition.


Ductilidad: es una propiedad que presentan algunos materiales, los cuales bajo la acción de una fuerza, pueden deformarse plásticamente de manera sostenible sin romperse.

Ductility: the property of a material that allows permanent deformation under tension without rupture. It is measured as a percentage increase in length on rupture compared with original length and is termed percentage elongation, or elongation.


Extensibilidad: capacidad de alargamiento o elongación que presentan los músculos esqueléticos.

Extensibility: Capable of being extended or protruded.


Propioceptor: receptor sensorial o terminación nerviosa que da sensibilidad interna o propioceptiva del cuerpo. Los propioceptores están localizados en los músculos, articulaciones, tendones y en el aparato vestibular.

Propioceptor: A sensory receptor, found chiefly in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear, that detects the motion or position of the body or a limb by responding to stimuli arising within the organism.


Motoneuronas Gamma: Neuronas motoras encargadas de la inervación del huso muscular.

Gamma Motor Neurons: Motor neurons that terminate in skeletal muscle, and synapse with sensory neuromuscular spindles; work with neuromuscular spindles to regulate skeletal muscle tone below levels of conscious control.


Reflejo Miotático: reflejo provocado en el músculo por su estiramiento.

Stretch reflex: a reflected action or movement; the sum total of any particular automatic response mediated by the nervous system. A reflex is built into the nervous system and does not need the intervention of conscious thought to take effect.

Reflejo miotático inverso: Relajación autógena del músculo por activación del órgano tendinoso de Golgi.

Golgi tendon organ réflex: The relaxation or inhibitory response in muscles to protect them from excessive force or speed: elicited by Golgi tendon organs.

Motoneurona Alfa: Neuronas motoras encargadas de la inervación de la fibra extrafusal.

Alfa motor neuron: Motor neurons that terminate in skeletal muscle.


Interneurona: neurona integradora, es una neurona del sistema nervioso central, generalmente pequeña y de axón corto, que interconecta con otras neuronas pero nunca con receptores sensoriales o fibras musculares, permitiendo realizar funciones más complejas.

Interneuron: a neuron between the primary afferent neuron and the final motor neuron (motoneuron). Also any neuron whose processes lie entirely within a specific area, such as the olfactory lobe.


Formación reticular: estructura neurológica del tallo cerebral, desde la parte rostral de la protuberancia hasta la parte caudal del diencéfalo, que se encarga de los ciclos circadianos de sueño/vigilia. Está formada por neuronas de diferentes tamaños y formas esparcidas en la sustancia blanca. A este sistema se le conoce como SARA (Sistema Activador Reticular Ascendente). Este sistema interviene en el estado de consciencia.

reticular formation (RF): a massive but vaguely delimited neural apparatus composed of closely intermingled gray and white matter and extending throughout the central core of the brainstem and into the diencephalon; the term refers to the large neuronal population of the brainstem that does not comprise motoneuronal cell groups or cell groups forming part of specific sensory conduction systems; its neurons generally have long dendrites and heterogeneous afferent connections, which is why the formation is often called "nonspecific"; the reticular formation has complex, largely polysynaptic ascending and descending connections that play a role in the central control of autonomic (for example, respiration, blood pressure, and thermoregulation) and endocrine functions, as well as in bodily posture, skeletomuscular reflex activity, and general behavioral states such as alertness and sleep.


Ganglios basales: son acumulaciones de cuerpos o somas de células (somas) nerviosas que se hallan próximos de la base del cerebro. Están asociados con los movimientos.

Basal ganglia: Paired structures deep in the forebrain. They help to coordinate and control willed muscle movements.

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